The Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA) is a governmental body established in 2015 under the Conservation of Nature and Landscape Act. The main aim of the NCA is to protect and conserve nature and landscape on the whole territory of the Czech Republic. The NCA manages 24 Protected Landscape Areas (IUCN Category V) and about 800 other types of protected nature areas (IUCN categories Ia, III, IV).

What we do

Our scope of operations mainly includes:

  • monitoring the status, changes, and trends of selected habitat types, and monitoring populations of endangered specially protected species,
  • technical and expert support for State Administration, including methodological and expert activities,
  • performing State Administration in nature conservation and landscape protection, especially within the Protected Landscape Areas, National Nature Reserves, and National Nature Monuments,
  • implementation of practical measures to conserve nature and to protect landscape in 24 Protected Landscape Areas and 226 National Nature Reserves and National Nature Monuments on the entire territory of the Czech Republic,
  • administration of the Nature Conservancy Central Register and central governmental documentation on nature conservation and landscape protection; operating a specialised library and administrative archives,
  • design, development, and management of the Nature Conservancy Information System,
  • administration of national subsidy programmes as well as some European Community funds serving to conserve nature and to protect landscape,
  • payment of financial compensation for damage caused by specially protected animals, and for legal constraints in agriculture, forestry, and fishpond management in specially protected areas,
  • managing state property in the Czech Republic’s specially protected areas,
  • awareness raising, communication, and education in nature conservation and landscape protection,
  • international cooperation in nature conservation and landscape protection; the NCA is a Scientific Authority of the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in the Czech Republic.

Protected Landscape Areas

You can download our brochure about protected landscape areas.

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